Armeria Eskola offers a comprehensive professional training project of excellence that meets the current needs of the global society. Internationalization is critical. Participation in the ERASMUS+ Programme aims to improve and increase students’ skills and job placement.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
These activities offer a mobility period of two to three weeks and students receive theoretical and practical training in a VET centre and/or company. The results of the training period are recognized and validated in the school and the contents of the course are adjusted to ensure the adaptation of the mobility period abroad to the course in which the VET student is enrolled.
Participation in foreign experiences provides trainees with other skills. They will gain greater self-confidence and learn to cope with situations of a new and unknown context. They will meet young people who receive the same type of education as in their field, and learn how things are done in a similar or different way in other countries.
In order to reinforce job placement opportunities, vocational trainees can participate in mobility periods of up to 12 months. Each of the mobility activities is adapted to a quality framework previously agreed by the entities that send and welcome students to ensure a high level of quality for the activity, including the “Learning Agreement”.
Participation in foreign experiences provides trainees with other skills. They will gain greater self-confidence and learn to cope with situations of a new and unknown context. They will meet young people who receive the same type of education as in their field, and learn how things are done in a similar or different way in other countries.
IRASUEGUI grants subsidize workers to facilitate their stay abroad. This project aims to enhance the attitude and language skills of students/workers through stays abroad, align the professional adaptation of students or help companies occupy jobs with an international perspective.
There are no geographical limits and grantss are adapted to the destination.